
Brigitte CHAPET

Human Resources Manager

Our vision of Human Resources

Our ambition at CROSSJECT is to build loyalty among our employees and support them in their professional development. We are committed to an agile approach that encourages promotion and internal mobility.

We DARE to give committed employees a chance by supporting them through training courses leading to qualifications and certification. We are committed to passing on and consolidating our unique in-house expertise, particularly in the specific field of pyrotechnics.

Our focus on gender diversity and equality is an additional asset in attracting new talent.

Equality between men and women

Gender mix and diversity are factors of human enrichment and social cohesion, as well as sources of economic progress. For CROSSJECT, it is a guarantee of efficiency and modernity to have a balanced presence of women and men in all functions and at all levels of the company.
Our actions aim to guarantee equal opportunities for women and men, and to outlaw any form of discrimination.

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Interview with Romain LIEBELIN

Maintenance Manager

Interview with Didier MORIN

Industrial Director

Interview with Marc FRENOY

Quality assurance manager

Interview with Angelo COLLOT

Production Manager