Profile & financial schedule


Shareholder information

Crossject has been listed on the Alternet market (Euronext Paris) since February 2014.

  • Code ISIN: FR0011716265
  • Code Reuters: ALCJ.PA
  • Code Bloomberg: ALCJ.FP
  • Ticker symbol: ALCJ
  • Type of rating: continuous
  • Indices: EnterNext© PEA-PME 150, Alternext BPI France Innovation, Alternext Allshare
  • Number of issued shares on the 6th June, 2024:  41,088,344


Shareholder structure – June 06, 2024

                                  Shares June 2024



Financial results H1 2024 - Monday, 23 September 2024, after the close of trading 

Annual General Meeting: June 27th, 2024