A unique technology platform

ZENEO® is a needle-free, pre-filled,
single-use auto-injector

It is the result of over 10,000 tests, 11 clinical studies, and 180 million euros in investments. The ZENEO® system combines, on one side, a pharmaceutical-grade, siliconized, and depyrogenated glass tube that can withstand up to 1,200 bars of pressure, and a polycarbonate nozzle equipped with sub-millimeter openings.
On the other side, a gas generator made of energetic materials and an actuator including an innovative unlocking and opening system. The activation of the actuator triggers the generator, which propels the pharmaceutical product at very high speed. The first phase allows the product to penetrate the skin. The second phase delivers the treatment to the desired depth. All of this in less than one-tenth of a second! An aggressive and continuous intellectual property policy ensures protection until 2038.

ZENEO® meets FDA reliability requirements (99.999%).

How ZENEO® works

examples in images of our industrial workshops